Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Buy it! Glass Bead Workshop by Jeri Warhaftig

"Welcome to my studio and to my series of workshops in intermediate glass beadmaking."

So begins the first line of Jeri Warfhatig's new book entitled, Glass Bead Workshop. I've met Jeri and talked to her a few times at bead shows. She's a friendly supportive colleague and has written a beautiful and informative book on glass beadmaking.

The table of contents includes: Welcome to my studio; The Basics; Session one - Falling Leaves Bead; Session two - Beach Bead; Session Three - Geode Bead; Session Four - Off Mandrel Galaxy Pendant; Session Five - Blown Hollow Bead; Session Six - Twistie Pendant; Session Seven - Hollow Vessel Bead; Session Eight - Wreath Bead; Session Nine - Rune Bead; Session Ten - Rose Bead; Appendix A - Sandblasting; Appendix B - Gridning and Polishing; Appendix C - Near Misses.

Jeri explains all of the "basics" such as studio set up, torches, safety, ventilation, etc. Hopefully, there's nothing new here for an intermediate beadmaker but if the beginner picks up the book, it's all important information. Once the studio set up and safety is discussed, it's on to the projects or sessions.

I really like the set up of the sessions. The header,"What Will This Session Teach?" begins each one and gives you a quick overview of the bead you'll be making. For the experienced beadmaker, it allows you to skim and look for particular techniques. The header is followed by a section listing tools, material and any special tools or materials used. Good photos of the tools, materials and finished bead.

Throughout the book, there are good, clear, close up photos of the techniques and steps. I feel as though I'm standing next to Jeri as she conducts her class. The section on making the bead is followed by "Further Explorations" where variations on the technique is described with a photo or two. Each session ends with a "Gallery" comprised of various glass art beads made with the same technique.

As an experienced beadmaker I'm sometimes jaded wondering what a new book will have to offer me. The tips and further exploration were worth the price of the book alone. The photographs are lovely and enhance the instructions.

Jeri has written a classic for the modern intermediate beadmaker. A lovely book from a fabulous beadmaker!

(Photo credit: All photos from JeriBeads.com

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