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A Bead A Day
Looking for a great way to commemorate a special moment or gift? Design a piece of jewelry!
About.com Jewelrymaking
It's like Wal-Mart, only you want to be there in this virutal tour of Shipwreck Beads.
Art Bead Scene
Art Bead Scene is having a book fair. Read up on your favorites!
Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmi has finally discovered how great polymer clay is.
Cindy Gimbrone aka Lampwork Diva
Not thinking about your holiday gift list yet? Cindy helps get you started with a Knot Ready for Prime Time Lucky Knots and Friends Projects so you can get started now!
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie shares her final Crystal Week necklace... a piece she calls Woodland Mermaid
Jean Campbell
Jean celebrates her favorite holiday by showing off her costume and some very cool baubles
Jewelry & Beading
Krystal Backer, beading artist, shares her creative inspirations with Cyndi.
Lorelei's Blog: Inside the Studio
Have you been following Lorelei's Necklace Round Robin? Come take a look at the finished pieces!
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Jean reviews a delightful book by the editor of BeadStyle: Cathy Jakicic
Strands of Beads
Melissa shows off her favorite necklace created for Cynthia Thornton's Enchanted Adornments and winner in the metal clay category of the British Bead Awards