Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Tuesday Tangle...Keeping myself on track

Remember my word for the year is, "do" which lends itself to showing what I've made during the past week but this week, what I've done is less concrete.

I'm reading a book.

Digital Expressions by Susan Tuttle. I need a new banner, I need a new look on my website and in my business cards. So, I've turned to this book to help me out. Working 40-50 hours a week doesn't leave me much time to get to the computer to work on new skills, but I'm taking it one step at a time.

Cliche I know but sometimes a cliche works.

When all I want to do starts to overwhelm me and I start to wander off to window shop on the web, I  repeat my simple objective....


Right after I think or say do, I follow it up with don't look, don't think, do.




It's keeping me on track.

Are you doing? What's keeping you on track?

1 comment:

Deborah Lambson said...

I guess we're all ashamed to admit we're not on track!..lol. I spend wayyy too much time looking at others work and not enough doing my own~ and I want to try everything I see! the brass clay?! wow..hard to stay on track when your head is spinning 360's lol
So a big DO post on my mirror? its a good mantra for sure..I'll try it. :-) enjoy your day Cindy!