Monday, August 14, 2006

Hard work....August 14, 2006

Good morning! I'm in a great mood today despite the fact that it's a paperwork day! I'm excited to announce that my work has been accepted into the "Once Upon a Bead" show at THE GALLERY in Hunter, New York. The show is hosted by the Catskill Mountain Foundation and features beads made of all types of materials, glass, ceramic, etc. The show will run from September 30th to November 12th, 2006. All beads at the show will be for sale.

If you've been reading my blog, this is one of the series of applications I've been working on this summer. Hard work does pay off!

So, in honor of the upcoming show, I've posted on of the "Chakra" hands that I make. The fingers have all of the colors of the rainbow representing the chakras. I use the pearly yellow for the palm - I really love the color - so bright and energetic. I've been making some variations on the chakra hand theme and using a cobalt blue for the palm. A very soothing color - gives the hand a whole different feel. Funny how changing one element can lend an entirely different tone. That's what keeps me interested in creating!


Miachelle said...

Congratulations on the acceptance!

This palm is cute-but it also reminds me of the toe socks with all the rainbow colors on the digits. :-)

Mandi said...

This is my first time visiting your blog. The glass hands are really fun and creative! Congrats on getting accepted, it's always a great confidence booster = )

Cindy Gimbrone said...

Thanks, Mandi and the Jeweled Reporter! Another beadmaker told me that sometimes the hardest part is just sending in the applications! Smile! I think that's true!

Mandi - Thanks for visiting! Come back often - I update a few times a week to let you all know what I'm up to in the studio.