I've got so many handmade beads, I've decided to organize and sell the majority of them by color. Here are a few small bead sets I had left over from shows. They're matched up for earring pairs.

The Orange/Coral glass color is varied and striated as you can see from the pictures of the glass rods below. When you make beads from the same glass rod, the beads will sometimes be slightly different in color. I like that, makes someone look twice and adds to the richness.

See what I mean? Love the coral, it ranges from pinky to orangey - very unpredictable! Do you have a material you work with that you consider unpredictable?
Great beads...I hope you will do a reminder post for your sale on Saturday...I would love to shop!!!
Great beads indeed! I love the oranges and coral... especially the unpredictable striations.
When I first started using BronzClay, there wasn't very much information about it and its quirks and each batch was always a surprise. Nowadays this isn't a problem, but at the time I was pulling my hair out (that is if I had hair).
Resin still acts up sometimes. Like the BronzClay, I've learned to master it better over the years... but every now and then the studio goblins will take their revenge out on me by spoiling a batch and have it not set up or have the tape come undone or have an air bubble get trapped or have an inclusion unwantedly float or sink.
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