Monday, February 04, 2008

Pushing me outside of my box....

I'm working in the studio again today - YAY! But wanted to post a short note about being pushed outside of my own box. I'm collaborating next month with another beadmaker and jewelry designer so I'm in the midst of creating beads for us to work with. We all put in our color requests - "earth tones" won. I groaned. Earth tones mean orange, brown and avocado green to me - the colors of my childhood. Ugh. One pair of brown corduroys and orange zigzag shirt too many! Well, I diplomatically asked how earth tones was defined. I was sent a color swatch of lovely violets, steel blues, moss greens and bronzy browns. Pushed outside of my own box! I would have never thought of those colors - it's great to be shoved out of your box sometimes! I'm in the studio working with the "earth tones" and I'm loving what's coming out of the torch!

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