It was a gorgeous weekend in New York City! The sun was bright, the art beads were fabulous and the customers were cheery! Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello and/or purchase beads!
I had made one shawl pin with one of the Chakra Hands as a foray into selling them. I demonstrated the shawl pin to many but one woman showed a particular interest. She though it could be used as a hairpin. Being game, I took it off and we put it in her hair. Voila! It WAS a hairpin! She bought it and walked away happily with it. I was just as happy because I now had a new item in my inventory thanks to her!
Yesterday, I received a lovely email from her:
"Just wanted to let you know how well it works out as a hair ornament. I found a simple way to just secure it inside the bun on top of my head, and just the hand sticks out, totally visible. It's really a cute conversation piece. And all the energy is really now centered in my head, ha!
So now you have a new item to sell -- a hair pin.
Thanks, Evelyn!
So if you have bought beads from me and designed a piece of jewelry or home decor with them. Please send me an email and let me know - better yet - send me a picture so I can post it on my blog and website. I'd love to see what you're making!