November 5th, 2005....so I'm trying to get myself back into the swing of posting bead auctions weekly. All auctions are made by "the Diva" that is the Lampwork Diva! I've been focused on doing more art and less computer so it's been awhile since an update. I know in the land of the internet that means people have already forgotten me so I have to start all over again! But instead of griping about my lack of computer motivation, let me tell you about the work I've been doing lately.
In September, I took a class in blowing glass with Sally Prasch! It was way kewl! I've posted a picture of Sally here today so you can see the master at work! She started in glass art when she was 13! Wow! Imagine having that much clarity in your life - to know what you wanted to do! Sally is a very generous artist and very encouraging to her students.
Blowing glass brings up a whole other set of skills that I am eager to develop. Most people think that the wound glass beads are "blown" but they're not! they're wound on a thick wire or mandrel. Before I took Sally's class, I had been playing with blowing glass with a stainless steel pipe - a blowpipe - and was having some small success. Taking Sally's class gave me more confidence to continue.
Ok, I think I've spent enough time at the computer this morning, my studio should be warmed enough for me to go to work for a few hours. I promise to post more - in the mean time, take a look at my auctions on ebay:http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZlampworkdiva