As an small business owner, I look for the least expensive options in packaging to keep my costs low, it keeps the buyer's cost low. But low cost = boring! Brown paper envelopes, small plastic resealable bags, etc.
This is when I get out my stamps, ribbon, heart shaped paper punch and ink. I happily lay out groups of 12 plastic bags and stamp away, stamping thank you's and happy phrases for each customer. I add a little ribbon and VOILA!
A perfect bead package unique to each customer - and I DIY'd it!

What do you DIY?
I must admit that my packages are a little boring, tidy, but boring. Printed cards for mounting jewelry components and buttons, care instructions. My first concern is getting breakable things safely there. I do have a fantasy of breaking out the markers and going to town with colour.
I too stamp little notes, but on the inside. I have received your packages, and they are glorious!! I love them. OK. the truth is that I want to do what you do, but am usually too lazy by the time I package which is usually later at night. Soooooo, you have taught me a valuable lesson in that I should set aside time to do many at once, then it is done! Isn't it usually the really simple things that screw us up!
I had some plain gift tags that were really cute colors and thought they would work for earring cards when I made some earrings for my mom for her birthday. So, I pulled out a stamp and stamp pad and stamped all over them, and they turned out REALLY cool - she liked them a lot...
First I have to get someone to actually BUY something from me and then I'll think about my packaging. Actually, I keep some nice white cardboard jewelry boxes and I usually gussy them up with stickers and stamps before they go out. Or at least, that's my plan...if anyone every buys anything.
I love organza bags! I use them in almost all of my orders. I also include a handwritten note from me thanking my client for their order. I'm not a stamper, but it might be something to think about.
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