So, since it's my blog, I chose the picture with me in it rather than a great picture of the sign.
A nice "my space" shot isn't it? You're right, I DO need a brush! But who cares about hair when there are beads to be had?!?
I grabbed a tray and made a beeline for the findings, chain and wire tables. I'm a tactile person so I like to touch and see items if I can. If I can't it won't stop me from buying based on good pictures and descriptions but this was a chance to use my sense of touch.
I had chain and navy blue on my list. I loaded up on chain, antique copper, antique brass, rollo, hammered links, plated gold and gunmetal. All just what I'd been looking for.
Next, I sought out navy blue. What's great about The Bead Tour is if you've been to one, you know the floor. The stones are organized by color so I just walked around until I found navy blue. Picked up a few strands of beads trying hard not to look at anything else.
But I had wandering eyes and looked around and before I knew it a pear green colored set of beads caught my eye. I love the combination of pear and chocolate brown. The beads had both colors in one strand of beads. I had to have them.

See - pear and chocolate brown right there! Aren't those beads gorgeous? Ok, so now I decided I had to apply tough love to myself and put my blinders on. I determinedly went straight to the check out line.
But drat!! As I'm moving up in the line, suddenly I'm mesmerized by a sea of....

....RED! Red coral in chunky sizes. I picked up a strand and started to roll the beads around in my hand. I turned first one set then another set in my hand, mesmerized by the organic quality and the color. Red is a mesmerizing color, it will grab your attention and not let it go.
I bought the strand of chunky red coral. The red contrasts nicely with the pear/chocolate stone beads.
When I got home from The Bead Tour, the news reported the death of Michael Jackson. I've written alot about punk, new wave but my musical taste is very eclectic. I love pop music too.
Music highlights your life. A song or video may play in the background and years later you'll hear it and those memories flood back.
I remember vividly one Sunday night when I was in elementary school. I was watching the Ed Sullivan Show with my family and we watched a new group of kids perform. I was mesmerized by all of them and especially the kid who was out front - Michael Jackson.
The Jackson 5 was cool, the music amazing and Michael was a kid like me!
I watched in rapt attention anytime they did a commerical. I watched the cartoon and bought the 45's.
Yep, I wore out "I'll Be There" on the stereo playing it over and over.
I grew up.
Michael grew up.
Then he recorded,"Off the Wall." A perfect album.
Disco, yes.
Perfect, yes.
If you listen now and watch the video to "Don't Stop," yes, it's disco but it's full of energy! Michael's handsome - pre-plastic surgery and you can see the resemblance between he and Janet. Michael was crazy cool.
Don't Stop
The news played the video of the first time he moonwalked - I was watching the actual night he performed, it was electrifying. If you watch the video, the crowd screams because it was so new, so different. There's no other way to express it - ELECTRIFYING.
When things started to go badly for him, I rooted for everything to work out well for all. I rooted for Michael to be better. Afterall, I felt like he was a classmate in a way - the same generation.
When we all move on from this life, I believe each of us prefer to be remembered for the positive energy we put out into the world. "Man in the Mirror" isn't Michael Jackson's highest grossing song yet it's full of hope and heart that we can do good works in the world if we put our mind to it. Like so many of his performances, Michael Jackson is mesmerizing.
Hi Cindy,
I really appreciate your memorial to Michael Jackson. Very moving. His energy, his dancing, his music all so amazing. Thank you for your personal rememberances from growing up with him, so to speak.
FABULOUS play by play of your trip to the bead show! Thanks so much for sharing!! I was a little envious when I saw your note when you were heading over there. Glad you found so many great things!! :)
The Rings n Things show must have been a wee bit of heaven on earth.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for commenting. It's too bad his life ended so early and in such disarray - there's such a thing as being too famous. It wasn't good for him. I hope his children are taken care of with their best interests in mind and it doesn't become a circus around them too.
Hi Lisa,
It was fun! I'm in love with the pear/chocolate beads! The customers are friendly too. I always end up talking to the people standing in line and looking at what they've picked up too!
Beadingly yours :-)
Hi Mallory,
Yeah - it was a great time! Thanks for commenting!
- Hi Cindy, that pear & chocolate combination is new to me, very fresh. Thanks for sharing about the show and about MJ :)
The bad news is that we lost an icon, a person who defined a generation and then some. The good news....we get to relive all those moments that mattered when Micheal's music touched us all. So I am glad to hear all the favorites being played again...and remembering Charlie's Angels...and the Tonight Show...It is all good.
The Bead Tour is indeed an addiction! I cannot go again until I used all that I bought LAST APRIL 2008! (It will be quite awhile......)
Enjoy the day!
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