I mentioned my 3 year blogiversary is offically July 16th So, in celebration, I'm going to be posting some of my favorite posts from the last 3 years. Some oldies and goodies. I LOVED Alternative Week so look for some of those posts - if you love punk rock like I do, you'll have fun reading those posts.
Color Week will follow blogiversary. It will be full week of COLOR! I've mentioned before that I tend to focus on what the glass can do - when all my peers are focused on color. So, I've challenged myself to study color and be more aware of how to use it along with the physical capabilities of the glass.
So let the Blogiversary week begin....

(above photo from: FotoSearch)
Looking forward to Blogiversary week and Color Week, too :) It will be interesting to me to see what you do during Color Week, since I already think of your work as being colorful. Pretend you are someone else for a minute, click on your Etsy shop, and just look at all the vibrant colors!
Thanks for commenting, Angelina :-)
I don't think I'm good at creating color combinations outside of the obvious (e.g., rainbow spirals). I'm challenging myself to combine in more interesting ways. I get so caught up in the physical properties of the color - like ivory makes a lousy hand, it's too "runny." Or when I want to work off mandrel, black is a good base color because it holds the heat well and isn't too soft for a punty. I tend to choose the physical properties and then work the colors around that. I need to challenge myself to try a different approach and see where it leads me. Maybe back to the old way but I'm going to try during Color Week! :-)
What about you - do you choose glass based on physical characteristics of the glass or the color?
Melt on!
Oh, most definitely! I use dark ivory for sculpting because I could go big with a fairly small torch (first a Minor, then a Betta) and still get a cool look. Now that I've got a big girl torch (a used Great White), I'm trying to make myself slow down and try a few colors without reducing them...and playing with boro off mandrel with the big girl torch is fascinating because I can finally make things my size in clear! Can't wait to see what you try!
Cindy, finally got your blog on my blogroll list ... kept meaning to get 'er done and just didn't, but now it's your blog-i-versary so I can catch up with all you're up to!
A Great White?!? Wow you have graduated up! LOL! I went to a midrange and I think that's big! smile!
Boro is such an easy glass to do off mandrel - you don't have to attend to the heat as much as with soda lime but it does move differently I think. I'm getting used to that - but with your Great White, I'm sure boro melts like butta!
Thanks for getting me on your blogroll, Lynn. I can hardly believe I've been talking to myself....errhhh blogging for 3 years! Get your coffee and read up - it's been fun! :-)
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