I'm using some of the beautiful chain I got from the R&T Bead Tour last week. The only problem I have with the chain is that I don't have some in gunmental!

Mums the word on this project until the big reveal on Scarlett Lanson's The Beader's Muse. So that's all I can show you for now. The necklace is shaping up very nicely - I love it and intend to wear it! But you're not to breathe a word of this until the big reveal probably sometime around the first of August.
Good thing I've got Guard Cat watching over the studio. I have a cat who thinks he's a dog. He follows me around the house wherever I go and sits at my feet when I sit down to my workbench. Around here, he's known as "Kitty-Dog" and he sits at the front door standing guard.

Love the sneak peek at your Muse pieces...I've been meaning to do a similar sneak peek all week and just haven't gotten around to it, but I think you've inspired me to get off my duff and do it :o)
What a great guard cat - I have two cats that are part dog...They both play fetch better than my dogs...But, then again, we think my schnauzer is part cat :o)
Your necklace is going to be extraordinary, what all those pretty blues and greens and muted metallics (what's the right word for worn-looking and not stab the eye shiny?)! I love the whole feel I get from looking at the components.
P.S. Ginger Cats rule!! Give Kitty-Dog a high paw from Momo!
Hi Katie,
Kitty-Dog's older brother who we lost last year used to chase dogs out of our yard - no kidding! I caught him chasing a deer once too. Kitty-Dog isn't quite as fierce as that but since all the cats I have are rescue, they probably had to be tough before I got them.
I'll look forward to seeing your sneak peak! I'm sure it will be amazing :-)
Hi Ang,
Yay for ginger cats or as we refer to them here as "marmalade kitties." Hmmm interesting to see if there's a regional things going on (ooopsss, that's the interpreter in me coming out! ;-)
I love what I'm coming up with for the necklace. The color palette is muted like you said. It'll look nice on a blouse for work or with jeans.
Tell Momo - "meow" from Kitty-Dog! ;-)
LOL, Cindy, I'm a word nerd! Ah, the linguistics thing-- I called them "ginger cats" because Deb (Firebird Flameworks) in New Zealand refers to her humongous orange kitty Herc as a ginger cat. I've heard "marmalade cats" before, but I usually say "orange striped kitty" (grew up in Kentucky, lived in southern Illinois most of my adult life).
Yea! I didn't get in this time, but I did the first one. It was so much fun! Can't wait to see the finished piece...and to vote!
Enjoy the day! Erin
I can hardly wait to see the finished product! Good luck!
Thanks, Mallory!
What an alert guard pitty he is :)
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