Since I'm in this month's Step by Step Wire, I'm going to give away a copy of the magazine and a set of the post earrings I made for the photo shoot. The earrings are petite, 21mm in length (approximately 3/4 inch) and made of 20 gauge wire. The step by step directions on how to make them are in the magazine. A quick and easy project!
Here's a picture of one of the earrings I took while I was shooting photos for the magazine. It's made of my favorite bronze colored wire!

Tell me why you think you should get a copy of Step by Step Wire - maybe you live in a place that doesn't carry it or maybe you're learning wire or would like to learn wire techniques or you love the earrings and want to make them!
Hi Cindy! I started doing wire work in January of this year and I've taught myself through reading books and magazines. I haven't had access to this magazine in particular so a copy of it would be delightful!
I also adore the picture you took of the earrings and would love to see them and try my hand at making them!
Well first of all I have never won anything in my life. I live in Northern Ireland and we are totally deprived of bead shops or any beading items. I totally rely on the internet. Lastly;why on earth were you up at 6am this morning?
Oh this one is easy!!
I'd like to get a copy of Step by Step Wire and Earrings because you are in it :o)
(well, that & the fact that we don't get it here)
Wow you guys! How will I ever pick? You all are making a very good case!
Keep 'em comin'!
reading your blog has made me increasingly interested in wire jewelry; I used to focus just on beads without considering that I string them with!
I love your blog, I troll it several times daily :) I'd love a copy of the magazine with your article, I've never been able to find any good beading resources or supplies :( also the earrings are gorgeous
I'd love to win a copy of the magazine because I'd really like to expand my horizons in design using my own lampwork beads of course!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love a copy of the magazine to learn more about wire techniques and to see your great project!
I adore wire work but adore your earrings even more. If I won I'd give the magazine to someone else in the contest as I subscribe but keep the earrings for me!
Congratulations, Cindy!
Hi Cindy! Even though I'm not a wire artist, I really appreciate wire artistry and I love to WEAR wire jewelry, and I tell everyone about the jewelry I wear. So, if I won your giveaway, I would tell everyone and their sisters all about you :o)
Greetings Earthlings. I'm from Mars and we don't get these things called...magazines? I was sent here to learn what I can about this thing called wire work? If you don't send me the earrings or the magazine I will have to take Cindy back with me and we will have to surgically extract the information from her.
Hello Cindy! Beautiful work and beautiful way to share.
I am a wire addict so if I win this mag, it will be an addition to my limited collection of wire jewelry mag which is not available in my country.
Thanks. Mei
This would be amazing. I love to make things, and if I find something I think I could try that would be awesome. Those earrings you have are gorgeous too.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I'm brand new to beading, and have been buying old copies of bead/jewelry magazines at used book stores. I'd love to learn more about wire jewelry, as it's my favorite look. And those earrings? LOVE THEM!
I am so annoyed cause no one around here carries any of the wire mags any more and I am just learning. How can I impulse buy if they don't have them to impluse buy off??
I'd like to get it signed too if I won. I love to look at stuff that people I know have done and go!! LOOK I know them :)
Though after reading some of the other enteries I have to say Mary Mary has me beat..
Hey, Cindy...not so much interested in a copy of the magazine (although I'm sure I would enjoy it) as I am interested in what brand of bronze wire you use. I'd like to begin experimenting with colored wire, but I'm really concerned about how it will wear. All of the coated wire I've been able to get my mitts on has a very weak coating and wears terribly.
Cindy, I have a copy of the magazine, and it's a good one! I'd love the earrings, though. I think I'm earrings challenged. rofl
You all have made this decision very hard! Everyone has a wonderful reason plus the alien-Jeannie is toooo funny! I'll post a winner tomorrow!
Tory - I use the Vintaj bronze colored wire. I posted a link to where you could buy it in one of my earlier posts - which I can't think of off the top of my head- I think in the tutorials I posted last week on the glass nugget charms.
Thank you all for reading and commenting!
Hi Cindy
I already have the magazine. I have a subcription to Step by Step Wire and have seen your earrings. I also made a few of them but I put my own twist to them and made them my own. I used several different colors of wire and different types of beads. I also changed the way the wire bends and added curls and also wrapped a couple of pairs with 28ga wire. They all turned out quite nice. Your earrings were great inspiration to me and I look forward to my next magazine. Thank you for such an easy design to add my own touch to. You are an inspiration to myself and I to others as well.
Hi Cindy
I have just seen your unique earrings , love a copy of your magazine .I travel to Glasgow for mags . I have a passion for wire .Just done a wee wire Scottie dog in a mad moment dont know if i can repeat it , Might be a greyhound next. Keep on inspiring us to create.Anna
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